Chile: Dance Choreographer Rates Shen Yun at the Very Top

Epoch Times15. Juli 2009

Karen Connolly is an award-wining dancer, choreographer and founder of dance school, “danza.Cuenta.” She has worked with dance companies from Belgium, France and Austria, among others.

[Karen Connolly, Choreographer]:
„I loved the show. We are already in the intermission… It is precious. It truly has a wonderful precision and energy, really wonderful.“

Ms. Connolly was impressed by the movements of the Chinese classical dance.

[Karen Connolly, Choreographer]:
“It seems to me very precise. They have several ways of walking that it seems they are floating, it is incredible, and most of all, the arms — spectacular.”

Ms. Connolly has participated in the Jury of prestigious dance competitions and she gave the Shen Yun Performing Arts show a rating.

[Karen Connolly, Choreographer]:
„From one to ten, I give it a ten because I find it very good, very good, of an excellent level.“

NTD, Santiago, Chile



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