Cellist Christine Walevska takes in Shen Yun for a Fourth Time in New York City

[Christine Walevska, Concert Cellist]:
“Tonight was the most spectacular of all the times I’ve seen it.”
Renowned cellist Christine Walevska saw Shen Yun Performing Arts at Lincoln Center in New York City on Saturday night.
[Christine Walevska, Concert Cellist]:
“And as I understand it, as the three touring companies who are pretty much on vacation now, that they took all the best dancers from the three groups and so that’s why I think, this was absolutely the greatest of the greatest. It was just fantastic.”
This is the fourth time Ms. Walevska has seen a Shen Yun performance.
[Christine Walevska, Concert Cellist]:
“Each number is beautiful, nobody should miss this.”
She enjoyed Shen Yun’s vocalists.
[Christine Walevska, Concert Cellist]:
“The lady singer has a magnificent voice. And then the male singer I have heard in the other shows in the last few years, and he keeps getting better and better and better. It’s wonderful.”
She said the standing ovation Shen Yun received at the end of the performance was well deserved.
[Christine Walevska, Concert Cellist]:
„You leave with your spirit uplifted, you feel good, you feel light, you feel lovely. Beautiful. It’s lovely.”
Shen Yun’s final Lincoln Center performance for 2011 is today at 2pm.
NTD News, New York
Die Epoch Times Deutschland freut sich, als Medienpartner von Shen Yun Performing Arts World Tour 2011 ihren Leserinnen und Lesern einen exklusiven Einblick in ein einzigartiges Kulturereignis bieten zu können.

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