Celebrities Cook up a Storm to Raise Money for Rheumatic Disease

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times22. März 2011

Actress Irina Bezrukov and broadcaster Archie cook up a storm in a Moscow café, together with boxing star, Nikolai Valuev. Team members of the culinary competition are boys and girls suffering from rheumatic diseases and they’re all set to help out the chefs.

The two teams are making pizza.

Boxer, Valuev says he isn’t an experienced chef and talking with the children is his main priority while cooking.

Valuev often attends charity events, trying to give joy to children suffering from severe illnesses.

[Nikolai Valuev, Boxing Star]:
„I would not want—God forbid—for something like this to happen to my children; perhaps I have such thoughts. And to this day it has not happened. I thank God and I believe that it is my duty to give some warmth to those children who need it. “

Every year in Russia, there is an increase of around 22,000 patients suffering from rheumatic diseases.

These diseases lead to disability and slow development and are very difficult to treat in Russia.

[Irina Bezrukova, Russian Actress]:
„Rheumatic diseases are very serious. Some children, when they come to this hospital they cannot even move their fingers and cannot sit without help. And now, look at them! They’ve traveled half way across Moscow and made  pizza with their own hands. Now they will eat it and have fun. Oh, wonderful!“

The adults have decided there will be no losers in this culinary battle.

Awards are given to both teams and the kids are happy to receive their trophies.

[Valia Chuprova, Culinary Competition Participant]:
„It is my honor to stand next to Irina Bezrukov. I’d never cooked a pizza. For me this is the first time. It was great. Before, I could not do it because I had limited mobility. And thanks to our hospital and our doctors, now I can walk and do everything.“

Organizers say they will continue to arrange such events and raise funds for children suffering from rheumatic disease.

Funds raised will go towards the expensive hospital treatments to help children cope with pain and restore their body’s motor functions.

NTD News, Moscow, Russia.

Foto: NTD

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