Canada: Lawmakers Urge their PM to Rescue Persecuted Group in China

n this letter, a group of lawmakers is calling on Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to help end the Chinese regime’s persecution of a spiritual group.
The letter is from Canada’s Parliamentary Friends of Falun Gong. The group consists of 20 members from all parties in the Canadian government. It’s the first group of Parliamentarians in the world formed specifically to support Falun Gong practitioners.
Falun Gong is spiritual practice whose adherents are being brutally persecuted in China, with more than 100,000 imprisoned in labor camps.
Chairman of the Parliamentary group MP Bill Silksay, co-signed the letter to the Prime Minister. The letter attached a list of 14 Falun Gong prisoners of conscience who have close relatives in Canada.
[MP Bill Silksay, Canadian Parliament Member]:
“We’re asking the Prime Minister that, as part of his discussions with Chinese officials on his official trip to China, that he raises the issue of the persecution of members of Falun Gong, and specifically that he raise the 14 cases of people who have either been imprisoned, or who have disappeared in China who have Canadian relatives.”
Other Canadian rights groups, including the Canadian Coalition on Human Rights in China, have also called on the Prime Minister to publicly address the Chinese regime’s human rights problems.
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