Bomb Explodes Outside Athens Stock Exchange

Epoch Times3. September 2009

A powerful bomb exploded outside the stock exchange in Athens. One person was injured from the blast.

This is the aftermath of a powerful car bomb which blew up outside the Athens stock exchange.

One woman was slightly wounded in what Greek police suspect is the latest attack by leftist or anarchist groups.

The explosion blew out windows on several floors of the stock exchange hurling debris hundreds of metres away.

A nearby car dealership, other businesses and four apartments were also damaged.

Police believe the bomb was planted in a van parked on a side street of the exchange.

Despite extensive damage to the building the stock exchange opened normally.

Leftist and anarchist groups have staged attacks against business and police targets since last December, when the police shooting of a teenager sparked Greece’s worst riots in decades.

There’s been no claim of responsibility but police say an anonymous caller warned a Greek newspaper of the attack.

Police say the makeshift time-bomb had about 15 kilograms of explosive material and was similar to others planted by the leftist Revolutionary Struggle, Greece’s most militant group.

At the same time as the Athens explosion, a home-made bomb was set off outside a government building in the northern city of Thessaloniki. No one was injured.


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