BMW to Quit Formula One Racing

Epoch Times29. Juli 2009

The BMW Sauber Formula One team revealed this season’s latest car back in January.

But this will be the last such unveiling.

BMW is quitting the sport at the end of the current season.

BMW CEO Norbert Reithofer told a news conference in Munich why.

[Norbert Reithofer, BMW CEO]:
„We will continue to be actively involved in motorsport and will concentrate on production-oriented motorsport and encouraging new talent.“

BMW says this departure is part of a change of strategy, designed to reflect its move towards reducing carbon emissions.

BMW bought the team from independent owner Peter Sauber in 2006.

An injection of money and technical expertise helped it move up the grid.

But there’s no hiding the fact that BMW Sauber is having a poor season.

After winning a race in 2008, the team languishes in eighth place out of ten in this year’s championship.

Team principal Mario Theissen says he’s disappointed by BMW’s departure.

[Mario Theissen, BMW Sauber Team Principal]:
„From a purely sporting point of view, lots of things spoke for staying in Formula One. Within three years we have managed to rise continually from the back of the mid-field to the top.“

BMW follows Japanese car maker Honda, who pulled out of Formula One just before the start of the season. But BMW says the economy wasn’t a factor in its decision.

The withdrawal comes as Formula One teams battle motorsport’s governing body the FIA over control of the sport.

There’s a month before the next Grand Prix in Valencia.

Like many in the team, BMW Sauber drivers Nick Heidfeld and Robert Kubica must now spend that time looking for new jobs.


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