Berlin: Explosive Package Found in German Chancellor’s Office

The German Interior Minister said on Tuesday that an explosive device has been found in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s office in Berlin.
[Thomas Maiziere, German Interior Minister]:
„As you know at around 1300 (1200GMT) a suspicious packet was found during the post checks in the Chancellor’s Office. The suspicious package was opened using special technology. The first investigations show that it was an explosive device. This was of the same type as those which were found at the Swiss Embassy in Athens …”
A German newspaper, the Berliner Morgenpost, says the package’s return address was the „Greece Economy Ministry“ and was addressed directly to German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
[Thomas Maiziere, German Interior Minister]:
“…The investigations have still not shown what the explosives were or how dangerous they were. This is difficult with this type of controlled explosion but there is evidence, that if it is the same as the packet bombs in Greece, that it could have caused serious damage.“
Merkel was not in the building at the time.
The security scare came the same day that bombs exploded at two foreign embassies in Greece, with suspect packages found at other diplomatic missions in Athens.

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