Austria: The Language of the Flowers at Vienna’s Flower Ball

Call it a forgotten a language—long ago flowers were used to send coded messages. Today some remnants of that still remain, like red roses symbolizing passion, yellow roses for friendship or the lily for purity, and so on.
The Flower Ball in Vienna has plenty of flowers to speak of.
[Lisa Noraz, Flowerball Guest]:
“This is like nature is talking; it’s very fresh and full of life, and this reminds us of everything that can be without us and that is just very beautiful and lovely. And it is life.”
Giving flowers can send a very special kind of message.
[Ezio Comel, Engineer]:
“So for me flowers bring a message of summer and spring in the times of winter, and I am very happy to see all these flowers here. For me it is a sign of the coming spring-time and this warms my heart.”
So what else can flowers communicate? Gratitude, a thousand pardons, congratulations or simply to show you care.
[Lisa-Marie Koch, Student]:
“I have to think about Valentines Day, because he always gives me flowers, otherwise about everything else, as a wish for speedy recovery, yes flowers can nearly say everything.”
So if words fail you, consider using the language of flowers.
NTD, Austria

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