Australia’s Finest Young Pianists Vie for Top Awards

13 of Australia’s finest young pianists are competing for the National Piano Awards. This prestigious event is being held in this regional city of Shepparton, about 3 hours drive north of Melbourne. Many people are here tonight to listen to the 3 finalists vie for top honors.
These young musicians are being judged not only for this evening’s performance but also for their performances during the whole week of competition. Tonight is the last opportunity to steal the judges’ hearts and win the coveted 1st prize.
His Excellency the Governor of Victoria speaks highly of this musical event.
[Professor David de Kretser, Governor of Victoria]:
“These awards really give these young performers a tremendous opportunity to demonstrate their extraordinary talents and capacities.”
And the inspiration to hold this national competition here in Shepparton came about 20 years ago. It was seen as a means to promote high class music for young Australians.
[Neal Werner OAM, President ANPA]:
“I thought that every child should have the opportunity to play an instrument.”
Announcing the winner Roger Lord spoke about the judges’ difficult task.
[Roger Lord, Judge from Canada]:
“We have three individuals with very unique personalities and very different ways of playing the piano so therefore it was very hard to compare and each of them in their own right could have been the 1st prize winner.”
Hong Kong-born Australian Jocelyn Ho is overcome at being awarded first place in this prestigious event.
[Jocelyn Ho, Pianist]:
“It was unbelievable, I felt so touched, that all my work is being acknowledged and just really elated.”
It was an emotional experience for this young lady who with the first prize of A20,000 in her pocket will continue to further her career in New York.
The 3 artists share how emotionally involved they become when playing.
[Elina Yasumoto, Pianist]:
“It really transports me to another world and I see so many images when I hear music.”
[John Fisher, Pianist]:
“It’s always an exciting experience and you want to convey your emotions and ideas about works.”
[Jocelyn Ho, Pianist]:
“I feel like a myriad of different emotions, it can be from happiness, to sadness, to anger and to… I feel it’s all in the music, the human emotions.”
Leigh Smith, NTD News, Australia.

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