Australia: Search Continues for British Backpacker

Epoch Times11. Juli 2009

Moving on to Australia where the father of a missing British backpacker has joined the search for his son. 19-year-old Jamie Neale has been missing in the Blue Mountains for a week.

Jamie Neale was last seen leaving his hostel for a bushwalk in Australia’s popular Blue Mountains.

He left some belongs behind as well as his cell phone.

[Mick Bostock, New South Wales Police]:
„It’s day seven since he’s been missing. Obviously if he’s been outside without shelter or food we’d have serious concerns for his safety after this period of time.“

Neale failed to show up for a pre-booked tour of some nearby caves… raising an alarm on Saturday for his whereabouts.

Neale’s father, Richard Cass, arrived in Australia from the UK on Friday to help find his son.

[Richard Cass, Missing Backpacker’s Father]:
„Obviously, I just want to concentrate on just finding my boy. He’s very tolerant of cold and if anybody can survive this he will.“

The search, conducted by the Australian National Park and Wildlife Service, Rural Fire Service and State Emergency Service personnel has not yet found a trace of the missing man.


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