Australia: Melbourne’s Walk for Harmony

Epoch Times14. Juli 2009

Victorians take to the streets of Melbourne, to celebrate multiculturalism. They are showing the diversity of ethnic backgrounds and religions that are living and working in harmony together.

[Hon. John Brumby, Victorian Premier]:
“I hope that it sends a message around the world and whether that it is India or whether that is in other countries around the world. It’s about us being a multicultural hub, it’s about us being the home of multiculturalism.”

When asked why a representative of the Indian community was not allowed to speak at the official opening The Premier replied.

[Hon. John Brumby, Victorian Premier]:
“I think if everyone spoke it would be a pretty long day.” 

The President of the Federation of Indian Associations of Victoria expresses his wish for the Indian community to assimilate with all Australians.

[Vasan Srinivasan, President Indian Associations]:
“To make sure that this country and our community is united along with the general Australian community ”

The Chief Commissioner of the Victorian Police, Simon Overland, was also among the walkers. 

[Simon Overland, Victorian Police Chief Commissioner]:
“It’s about Victorians coming together to say that we don’t agree with racism, we don’t agree with violence, we are a very open and inclusive community ”

Let’s hear what other ethnic groups have to say about living in Victoria.

[Lensa Dinqa, Oromo Community]:
“We can practice whatever we want to, our tradition or our culture. So it’s very different to where I came from, and so we have freedom here ”

[Stefan Oberman, Jewish Students Union President]:
“myself, along with others from the Jewish community are here to demonstrate, just as other Victorians are, their commitment to multiculturalism.”

Also leading the Harmony Walk with the Premier, is the Lord Mayor of Melbourne and the Parliamentary Opposition Leader.  

[Robert Doyle, the Lord Mayor of Melbourne]:
“It demonstrates we are a tolerant and diverse society and we will not put up with a lack of security in our streets.”

[Mr. Ted Baillieu, Leader of the Opposition]:
“We are many, but we are one and we are one voice on this, multiculturalism is a vital element in Victoria and this is a terrific celebration of it.”

Mr. Brumby says that the Harmony Walk is a bringing together of Victorian communities to recognize and celebrate the enormous contribution of ethnic, cultural and religious communities to this state.

Leigh Smith, NTD, Melbourne, Australia.


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