Abandoned Horses Foreshadow Dubai Financial Crisis

Five abandoned horses on a property in southwest France may have foreshadowed the Dubai crisis.
One day at the start of the year, the stable doors were found wide open and the horses running free.
The local vet is concerned not only for the horses, but for the general public.
[Catherine Ghys,Veterinarian]:
„It can be very very dangerous, yes, if they go onto the road they can cause an accident, and horses giving birth in the wild is not very reassuring.“
The 25 hectare property in the small town of Astaffort had been bought by a Dubai Sheik in 2006.
But a planned house was never built and the Sheik never came.
In light of Dubai’s recently emerged financial woes, the local townspeople can guess why.
Dubai’s crisis exploded last week when the Emirate
— known for extravagant properties and lifestyles — said it would delay payment on debt issued by one of its flagship firms.
This sent global markets sharply down and angered investors.
The mayor of Astaffort was also angry — but at the treatment of the horses.
[Andre Garros, Mayor of Astaffort]:
„I think it is disgusting, to abandon horses like that, it really is. You can’t have a heart to abandon animals. I hope that these animals can find a good home.“
The embassy of the United Arab Emirates has now agreed to let the horses be auctioned.

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