“A First Class Show“ – Ballet Great Leonid Kozlov Enjoys Shen Yun at Lincoln Center

Leonid Kozlov was a principal dancer with the Bolshoi Ballet in Russia, and later the New York City Ballet. On Friday night he took his daughter and some ballet students to see Shen Yun Performing Arts at Lincoln Center.
[Leonid Kozlov, Former New York City Ballet Principal Dancer]:
“I liked the dancing. I liked the power. I liked the beauty. I especially liked the ladies because they dance very feminine and soft. And the beautiful, beautiful costumes, and sets. I like this projection and very nice production.”
His daughter agreed.
[Adriana Kozlov, Ballet Dancer]:
“I thought they were remarkable. I think the women are beautiful, they’re very soft, very fluid. And I liked the gentlemen as well. I liked their aggressiveness when they did the more warrior-type dances, and liveliness with the chopsticks. I thought it was great.”
A promising young ballerina, enjoyed seeing classical Chinese dance.
[Sofie Greenbaum, Ballet Student]:
“I am so excited because I have never seen Chinese dance before. So I was really excited to see all the folk pieces and everything, and learn about their culture.”
[Adriana Kozlov, Ballet Dancer]:
“The music I thought it was very unique, very creative, with using the different instruments. From the scarves to the fans, to the silk material, really beautiful.”
[Sofie Greenbaum, Ballet Student]:
“The handkerchief piece was just amazing, how they used it and would catch it and just really amazing.”
Mr. Kozlov hopes one day Shen Yun will perform in China.
[Leonid Kozlov, Former Bolshoi & New York City Ballet Principal Dancer]:
“A first class show and I think it’s wonderful you are doing this around the world. And I hope one day you are going to do it in Beijing, in Shanghai, everywhere.”
NTD News, New York
Die Epoch Times Deutschland freut sich, als Medienpartner von Shen Yun Performing Arts World Tour 2011 ihren Leserinnen und Lesern einen exklusiven Einblick in ein einzigartiges Kulturereignis bieten zu können.

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