A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Part 2

After ten years of often-brutal persecution by China’s Communist authorities, the Chinese spiritual practice Falun Gong remains a visible presence worldwide. It’s still practiced, although often in secret, by millions in the Mainland. What makes these people so committed to their beliefs? In “A Decade of Courage: Soul of a Nation” we look at the rapidly changing, post-Cultural Revolution China in which the practice emerged. We hear the stories of people who came to Falun Gong for various reasons, but who say their lives have been changed as a result. And, ten years after the Communist ban, on the tenth year that practitioners worldwide celebrate May 13th as “World Falun Dafa Day”, and 17 years after the practice was first spread on May 13th, 1992, we ask what this practice has meant for today’s China, and what it will mean for China’s future.
A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Promo
A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Part 1
A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Part 3
A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Part 4

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