9-9-09 an Auspicious Wedding Date in China

Epoch Times9. September 2009

September 9th, in the year ’09—or “nine nine oh-nine”—only comes once a century. And for Chinese couples this year it’s the chance to get married on what many consider to be the most auspicious day possible.

Couples are converging by the thousands on marriage offices throughout the country. They’re hoping they can make “nine nine oh-nine” their wedding date.

But many are sure to be disappointed, as the demand far outweighs the supply. Some marriage offices report being completely booked—some were booked almost as soon as they made this “lucky day” available.

And why is “nine nine oh-nine” so special to the Chinese?

According to Chinese tradition, the number nine is a very pure number that carries connotations of longevity. Also, the pronunciation for the number nine in Chinese is identical to that of the word “forever.” So couples figure tying the knot on “nine nine oh-nine” is sure to bless them with a lasting marriage.


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