USA: International Space Station Crews in Final Training

Epoch Times25. September 2009

Professional and amateur cosmonauts were undergoing final training on Thursday, September 24, for their space flight on September 30.

Final exercises included simulation training for the physical effects of space flight, as well as a computer simulation of ISS docking technology.

But there is time for a little relaxation like playing billiards in the training center.

Former street artist Guy Laliberte will be the world’s seventh space tourist.

[Guy Laliberte, Cirque Du Soleil Founder]:
„I’ve been having a blast here training. Every teacher I had, every cosmonaut I encounter, has been so generous of transmitting knowledge and also advice about how I should prepare myself.“

The crew took a walk through the grounds of the Baikanour training center, to plant the now-traditional trees.

Laliberte, whose trademark during the space training has been a red clown nose, was the focus of media attention as he fooled around with a clown flower, planted near his tree.

Laliberte has been dreaming of traveling in space ever since he visited a Soviet exhibition on space in Canada in 1967.

He also plans to perform a poem about the scarcity of water on earth from the International Space Station during his voyage.

Fourteen cities around the world will join Laliberte in a simultaneous event titled „Moving Stars and Earth for Water“ on October 9.

Artists and world-renowned figures will demonstrate their commitment to water and pay tribute to this natural resource.

Just how much does a passenger seat on a space flight cost these days?

Laliberte is not divulging an exact price, but says it was an amount similar to previous space tourists who paid between 20 and 35 million U.S. dollars.

But once in orbit, who will have time or even want to think about such things?

[Maxim Surayaev, Flight Engineer]:
„I feel happy and each day, you know, add this feeling inside me. I am ready, I am happy, I am really looking forward.“


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