U.S. Military Helicopter Crashes in Germany

This is what was left of a U.S. military helicopter after it crashed into a forest in southern Germany.
Early media reports said at least two people had been killed in the crash — though the U.S. army said three crew members had been on board.
Local police said it wasn’t clear what caused the Black Hawk transport helicopter to crash but Germany has been experiencing heavy snow and high winds for the last few days.
[Matthias Selbenreich, Police Spokesman]:
„There is little that we can say so far, but an aircraft has crashed here in the forest. Examination of the site and rescue efforts are underway in close cooperation with local authorities and firefighters. We have blocked access to the site.“
The accident happened near a motorway close to the southern university city of Heidelberg.
The U.S. Army Europe is headquartered in Heidelberg — and the force also has an airbase just a few kilometers away.

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