U.S.-based Attorney Sues Toyota
Miami attorney John H. Ruiz has a busy time ahead of him.
He has filed a class action lawsuit against Toyota of North America for the defective gas pedals which are affecting millions of vehicle owners.
He already has thousands of clients signed up to the case.
Just a week after Toyota announced a mass recall, Ruiz says owners could be eligible for two types of compensation.
[John H. Ruiz, Attorney]:
„The company is responsible for any damages that are caused by the accelerator pedal being economic or physical in nature. What we have is basically a division between economic damages and non-economic damages.“
Drivers have found that their Toyota models have sticky accelerator pedals which stay depressed instead of springing back up after being pushed down.
The results have been scary and have caused damage and injury.
Toyota driver Dionisio Santiago was wounded after ploughing into the back of another car.
[Dionisio Santiago, Accident Victim]:
„I have a Toyota Corolla 2005 model and on Sunday I was getting to a stop light and there was a car in front of me. I tried to stop but the accelerator just kept going and I rammed into him. This is why I have this gash on my head.“
In Japan there are new fears over a separate fault on Toyota’s acclaimed hybrid car the Prius.
This time it focuses on the brake system which some drivers report has been slow to properly engage.
The news has scared customers.
„After I heard the news I don’t think I’m going to ride in such a car.“
[Yasuo Ishizuka, Taxi Driver]:
„I feel a bit anxious. As a taxi driver security is very important to me and hearing that such troubles occurred to brakes I cannot drive feeling safe anymore.“
Japanese media report a new recall has been launched covering about 270,000 vehicles.
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