Swiss Vote on Minarets

Epoch Times1. Dezember 2009

Minarets on mosques are the heart of a controversial referendum taking place in Switzerland.

The proposal to ban any new minarets is backed by right wing politicians, but vehemently opposed by the government.

On Sunday, the Swiss went to the polls to vote on the matter. The government is strongly urging the country to reject the ban, saying it would contravene religious freedom and harm relations with the Islamic world.

[Unidentified Male Voter]:
„I voted against the initiative, it’s against the Swiss law and against what I believe. Its against the freedom of religion we have in this country.“

Early results appeared to show voters had backed the referendum, according to Swiss television.

Supporters of the ban claim minarets have no religious justification and are symbols of Islamic power, which have no place in Swiss democracy.

There are 300 thousand Muslims in Switzerland making up 4 per cent of the population. Whilst there are hundreds of mosques, right now, only a few have minarets.


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