Swedish Helicopter Robbery—Trial Begins

It may look like something out of a movie, but this robbery last September is completely real.
CCTV footage of the heist shows a number of robbers landing on the roof of a security company’s facilities in Sweden which houses a cash depot.
The footage, released by Swedish police in July, shows the culprits using explosives and chainsaws to get inside the building and at the money.
After less than half an hour the theft is over, and the robbers complete their getaway by helicopter.
The vehicle was found near a lake in the north of Stockholm, but only a fraction of the five million US dollars stolen has been recovered.
On Monday, 11 months after the crime, the trial began.
Ten people appeared in court for alleged involvement in the robbery—five are charged with aggravated theft and the other five for aiding and abetting.
The man accused of being the helicopter pilot on the night of the heist denied the accusation, even though his DNA was found in the aircraft.
His lawyer said his he had flown the helicopter dozens of times but could not have piloted it at night as he was not trained in night flight.
[Leif Silbersky, Defence Lawyer]:
„There are natural explanations to everything. He explained during the investigation, and he will again explain when he’s being heard in this case in approximately ten days time.“
The trail is scheduled to last until August 25 at Stockholm’s district court’s security hall.

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