Sweden Prepares for Royal Match

This is Ockelbo- a tiny Swedish town of only 6,000 people which has recently come under the spotlight.
That’s because one of their own- Daniel Westling — is about to marry Crown Princess Victoria — heir to the Swedish throne.
The Prince-to-be is a personal fitness trainer and gym owner, and the residents of Ockelbo are thrilled with his rise to fame- especially as it’s been rubbing off on their town.
[Sture Gunnarsson, Swede]:
„I think that he could pull Ockelbo up definitely. It now will get more known however will all the publications on TV and on the internet. That is really positive I think.“
Westling spent his young years here, living with his parents until he went to military service, and later enrolled in a school for health and physical training outside Stockholm.
The town’s mayor said his marriage into royalty would put Ockelbo into the history books.
[Magnus Jonsson, Mayor of Oceklebo, Sweden]:
„Both in the long and short term I think that this historical moment means a lot. Because when you think of it we are about to become part of history. Daniel is from here, he was raised here and now he will become Sweden’s Prince. That of course feels very flattering and really cool in every way.“
Crown Princess Victoria will tie the knot with Westling on Saturday.

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