St. Petersburg: Musical Therapy for Children
Today, young patients at the orthopedic hospital near St. Petersburg receive remedy from music rather than pills. The string band “Yakut Virtuosos” show them the real mastery of playing violins.
[Dmitriy Ilkovskiy, Organizer of the Concert]:
“I think this is all about positive emotions. They uplift your mood and therefore speed up recovery.”
The Turner Orthopedic Institute is Russia’s largest national clinic specializing in orthopedics and traumatology. It is based in Pushkin near St.Petersburg. “Yakut Virtuosos” are now performing in the hospital for the fourth time. They are a group of 12 students from the Higher Musical School of the Republic of Sakha, in the far North of Russia. Children were playing compositions by Bach, Vivaldi, Tschaikovsky and Piazzolla.
The musicians say that performing for sick children brings them joy too.
[Stanislav Afanasenko, Leader of “Yakut Virtuosos”]:
“It is impossible to have any other attitude when you see those children who are rather unhappy because of their health condition. We feel an inner need to give our mastery to small children.”
Organizers think that instrumental music can not only perk up mood but also cure illnesses. For the children it is especially important because some of them are confined to a hospital bed for months.
[Dasha Koroleva, Patient]:
“I liked “Summer” by Vivaldi. Not everyone is lucky to hear such a concert.”
[Efrem Farkhiev, Patient]:
“For example the compositions of Vivaldi are amazing. I would like to visit such a concert again.”
The founder of the Hospital, Henry Turner, always wanted for charity and culture to forever remain within the walls of his Institute. And it seems that his wish is coming true.
NTD, St. Petersburg, Russia
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