Spanish Cucumbers Blamed for E.coli Outbreak

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times31. Mai 2011

These cucumbers are going into the trash.

There are dumpsters filled with them at this plant in southern Spain – and they’re being blamed for an E.coli outbreak that killed 11 people in Germany and sickened 300.

The suspect produce has already been pulled from German supermarkets.

But some in Spain think the rush to blame their cucumbers is premature .

Clara Aguilera is the councilor for Agriculture and Fisheries.

[Clara Aguilera, Councilor, Andalucian Government Agriculture & Fisheries]:

„I don’t know why it’s more attractive for everyone to be against Spain, against Andalucia and against Almeria, I don’t know why. I hope it has nothing to do with commercial interests, as you say, I hope it has nothing to do with it. I hope it has just been done in haste and it goes no further, the damage done though is quite irreversible.“

So far, there are no reports of anyone becoming sick in Spain.

Foto: NTD

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