Space Capsule Makes Safe Return to Earth

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times25. Mai 2011

A Russian Soyuz capsule delivers an international trio of astronauts back to Earth after six months on the International Space Station.

NASA TV described a „textbook entry“ for the capsule, and said all the crew appeared in good shape.

Recovery workers help Russian cosmonaut and station commander Dmitry Kondratyev from the capsule.

American astronaut Catherine Coleman smiles as she is lifted out.

Paolo Nespoli was last to emerge.

Before returning, the crew shot images of the US space shuttle Endeavour parked at the space station, with Earth in the background.

The pictures are a parting gift for NASA, which is mothballing its shuttle program later this year.

Three new ISS crew members are scheduled to launch from Kazakhstan on June 7th.

Foto: NTD

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