Shen Yun Sends „A Nice Message to the Canadians“

Shen Yun Performing Arts debuted at the Centre In The Square theatre in Kitchener-Waterloo on Wednesday. It brought the audience to their feet with heavy applause through three curtain calls.
The President and CEO of a prominent regional business network organization says Shen Yun’s performance has a good message.
[Ms. Fisk, Business Network CEO]:
“You could see that there was so much energy and effort put into the story, but also it sent us a nice message about what Chinese culture is about, where the whole concept of Buddha came from, the concept of peace, and I think it sent a nice message to the Canadians here that were watching today.”
Having worked in the fashion industry, Ms. Fisk was fascinated by Shen Yun’s costumes.
[Ms. Fisk, Business Network CEO]:
“You could see there was a mixture of different textures in the fabric. You saw some use of fur, you saw use of knits, you saw use of silk and sequins and all kinds of things. We also saw a very, very interesting mixture of color. You would see some colors that you might not normally see together: pinks and reds together, turquoises and blues, greens, mixed all together, in a way that sent a very interesting message to the audience that were watching it today.”
Ms. Fisk was impressed by the number of costume changes during the course of the show.
[Ms. Fisk, Business Network CEO]:
“But also if you notice the headdresses, and the amount of change of the costumes, because every time you went to look at the next dance, you would notice that there was such a remarkable change in the costumes. There was nothing that overlapped.”
The final show here is Friday night at 7:30 in the evening.
NTD News, Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada.
Die Epoch Times Deutschland freut sich, als Medienpartner von Shen Yun Performing Arts World Tour 2010 ihren Leserinnen und Lesern einen exklusiven Einblick in ein einzigartiges Kulturereignis bieten zu können.
Frankfurt/Main Jahrhunderthalle
12. März 2010, 20:00 Uhr
13. März 2010, 19:30 Uhr
14. März 2010, 15:00 Uhr
Bregenz Festspielhaus / Österreich
23. März 2010, 19:30 Uhr
24. März 2010, 19:30 Uhr
Dresden Kulturpalast
14. April 2010, 19:00 Uhr
15. April 2010, 19:00 Uhr
Wien Stadthalle / Österreich
17. April 2010, 15:00 und 19:30 Uhr

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