Shen Yun is „Awesome, Awesome, Awesome“ in New Jersey

Shen Yun Performing Arts has finished its first show at the State Theater in New Brunswick, New Jersey with standing ovations and cheers from the audience.
[Verna Ulis, Audience Member]:
“Oh I loved it. It was first of all, it was very philosophical. I liked everything that they were speaking about. And the colors were beautiful, the dancers were beautiful. It was beautiful.”
[Chandrakant Patel, Audience Member]:
“It looks like (you were) seeing a movie. It was not like a stage show. It was very impressive, very organized, and I have no words for that.”
[Miss Zhou, Audience Member]:
“I think this is the pride of our Chinese people. Wow, it’s very good. I will come back to see it next year.”
[Ms Chan, Audience Member]:
“Very beautiful, just like people are flying in the clouds.”
One audience member really enjoyed the Asian cultural themes in the show.
[Dr. Kahm Sung, Audience Member]:
“This the best show. Live orchestra, movie (screen), action. It’s great for the whole family. In Korea we say, ‘Unbelievable.’ It’s the best show.”
[Manher C. Shah, Former President, Indian Business Association]:
“And it looks so beautiful. Amazing. This is the first time in my life I have seen this program. One of the greatest and best programs.”
One audience member says she wants to take her husband to see the show again in Providence later this month.
[May De Rosa, Audience Member]:
“I told my husband, I’m married 43 years, I told him let’s go to Providence, Rhode Island the next time… I’ll be there. It’s awesome, awesome, awesome. I don’t know how anybody can miss this, nobody. I’m speechless. I’m speechless.”
NTD News, New Jersey.
Die Epoch Times Deutschland freut sich, als Medienpartner von Shen Yun Performing Arts World Tour 2010 ihren Leserinnen und Lesern einen exklusiven Einblick in ein einzigartiges Kulturereignis bieten zu können.

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