Shen Yun Draws Audience Member Back

Epoch Times31. August 2009

Gina Sacripanti is the director of business development and marketing for the Washington Examiner. She saw Shen Yun during the sellout shows in Washington, D.C. this past February.

[Gina Sacripanti, Washington Examiner Dir. of Business Dev. & Marketing]:
“First of all the performance. The synchronization. The costumes. The fluidity of the performers was fantastic.”

The traditional costumes are what she remembers most from February’s show.

[Gina Sacripanti, Washington Examiner Dir. of Business Dev. & Marketing]:
“I think what was new this time was the drum performances. Also, the Tibetan dance was different as well.”

[Gina Sacripanti, Washington Examiner Dir. of Business Dev. & Marketing]:
“The water fairies was also one of my favorites. The color is very soothing, and the movement of the fans. Depicting a waterfall was fabulous, you know, just really made you feel like you were in a waterfall.“

She says the show made her reflect about life.

[Gina Sacripanti, Washington Examiner Dir. of Business Dev. & Marketing]:
“You know we all kind of get caught up in the day today. Sometimes you need to really stop and think about what is priority in life. And how you interact with one another. Whether in a professional or in your personal lives, your interactions with one another make a difference.”

[Gina Sacripanti, Washington Examiner Dir. of Business Dev. & Marketing]:
“You know I get approached by a lot of different events and performances. And for me what is important is something unique. That is obviously very high caliber, something that our readership would want to see and for us to promote.”

NTD, Washington, D.C.


Die Epoch Times Deutschland freut sich, als Medienpartner von Shen Yun Performing Arts World Tour 2009 ihren Leserinnen und Lesern einen exklusiven Einblick in ein einzigartiges Kulturereignis bieten zu können.


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