Security Warnings Issued For Tourists In Europe

Epoch Times6. Oktober 2010

Security tightens across Europe. Soldiers mix with tourists at the Eiffel Tower, after the US, the UK and Japan all issued travel alert warnings to their citizens living in and traveling in Europe that they may face an increased threat of attack.

[U.S. Tourist]:

„It’s our first time in Paris, which we love, but I have my doubts about going to some public places. But I try and see as much as I can.“

In Germany, concerns were raised after the US based Fox news Channel named some specific targets including Berlin’s Televisions tower at the Alexanderplatz Square as well as Berlin’s prestigious Hotel Adlon – often used by heads of state as well as international celebrities.

In Washington, State Department spokesman PJ Crowley clarified the warning.

[PJ Crowley, U.S. State Department Spokesman]:

„We are saying to American citizens continue with your travel plans if they include Europe, but to be cautious and be aware that we are following multiple streams of threat information and we felt having tracked intelligence over a lengthy period of time, it was appropriate to issue this alert at this moment.“

The US has said the decision to issue the alert was based on an accumulation of information, rather than a specific new revelation.


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