Samsung Launches Galaxy Tab in South Korea

Epoch Times7. November 2010

Samsung Electronics launched its Galaxy Tab seven-inch model in South Korea with rock star-style glamour.

The world’s number two handset maker says it’s looking forward to sales of over a million of the lightweight tablet PC devices after earlier launches in Europe and Southeast Asia.

Handset vendors and PC makers are rushing to get into the fast-growing tablet market jump-started by Apple’s iPad this year.

Some have questioned whether Google’s Android 2.2 operating system, also known as Froyo, which Samsung’s Galaxy Tab model uses, is the best for the job.

The head of Samsung’s mobile division says the end users will ultimately decide.

[J.K. Shin, Samsung Mobile Division]:
„There’s a controversy whether Froyo is a suitable software version for tablet devices but we produced a quality Galaxy Tab with Froyo 2.2 version. I think consumers will see how great a device it is after using the Galaxy Tab.“

Samsung is only one of the contenders in the increasingly crowded tablet PC market dominated by Apple.

The iPad maker controlled all but 5 per cent of the emerging tablet market last quarter according to research firm Strategy Analytics.


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