Russian Media Defends Freedom of Speech
An attack on journalist Oleg Kashin forced the Russian media to join together. Many journalists throughout the country are now advocating the right to freedom of speech and security.
This video shows how two unidentified men attacked Kashin in the courtyard of his home in Moscow. It happened last week.
Criminal investigations have begun.
Kashin conducted an investigation of Russian nationalist groups, youth movements, and documented the controversial road project through Khimki forest.
One Russian journalist calls this attack as an attempt to intimidate the media.
[Alexei Venediktov, Chief Editor of the Radio Ekho Moskvy]:
„This is intimidation, and addressed to all our colleagues. Because a colleague, no matter where he works, he always hurts someone’s interests. These are interests of the people who have power, interests of the people who have money, interests of the people who have influence. This is a professional risk.“
The incident is a popular topic in the Russian media.
Journalists also wrote a petition to the President asking him to take the situation seriously. More than 36,000 people signed the document.
[Alexei Venediktov, Chief Editor of the Radio Ekho Moskvy]:
„I think that our law enforcement agencies do not fully disclose the crimes committed against journalists. It is a minor issue for them. Did you know that last year 59 attacks were carried out on journalists? Nobody does.“
In Moscow, dozens of people held a protest in front of a police department at Petrovka, calling for justice.
[Vitaly Abramov, Chief Editor of Izvestia]:
„Unfortunately, there are a lot of people in our society who are generally aggressive towards people with different opinions. And I think that the government should pay attention to it. If this is not done, similar cases will grow.“
In response journalists‘ demands, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev promised that Kashin’s attackers will be found.
And members of the Public Chamber offer to toughen penalties for crimes against media professionals. A bill is already being drafted.
NTD, Moscow, Russia
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