Russia Mourns Nightclub Blaze Victims

Epoch Times8. Dezember 2009

Shocked residents in the Russian city of Perm have been laying floral tributes at the scene of Friday’s nightclub blaze that’s claimed at least 110 lives.

Flags fly at half mast on official buildings.

Monday has been declared a national day of mourning.

Not all the dead have yet been identified.

People were still flocking to the central morgue in search of missing loved ones.

Stanislav Telegin’s 27-year-old son was among those killed at the Lame Horse nightclub.

[Stanislav Telegin, Father of Nightclub Fire Victim]:
„I can’t find any explanation of how such a thing could happen.  We’re all devastated.  I think the investigation will find those guilty in this tragedy.“

Clubbers raced to escape as the fire at the packed Lame Horse nightclub quickly spread.

Witnesses say wicker lining the walls and ceilings of the club went up in flames.

Sparks from an indoor firework show are being blamed for starting the deadly inferno.

More than 130 people have been injured, some of them seriously.

Several of the survivors suffered more than 60 per cent burns.

Others were crushed in the stampede to get out through the single narrow doorway.

Five people have been detained on suspicion of manslaughter and breaching fire regulations.

It’s claimed the owners repeatedly ignored warnings from fire department inspectors that the club was unsafe.


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