Riot Erupts in Barcelona Amid Soccer Celebration

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times30. Mai 2011

Spanish football fans flee from police in riot gear.

What began as a mass celebration of Barcelona’s Champions League win had by the earlier hours of Sunday morning descended into a series of scuffles on the streets of the Catalan city.

A few hundred supporters stayed out once the main celebration had died down – throwing bottles and provoking the police.

Security forces moved in, using all the weapons at their disposal to quell the crowd.

After police cleared the area and made some arrests, the fans moved on to Placa de Catalunya, where hundreds of protesters have been camped out against austerity measures.

The demonstrators prevented the supporters from entering the square – but also met the police with ’no to violence‘ signs.

Earlier Barcelona exploded with jubilation after their team secured their fourth Champions League title.

Thousands of fans poured out into the streets dressed in the team’s colours to celebrate the win.

The match, played at London’s Wembley Stadium, finished 3-1 after the Catalan giants triumphed over Manchester United.

Goals from Pedro, Lionel Messi and David Silva secured the result, sparking wild celebrations both on the pitch and back home.

Foto: NTD

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