Record Applicants for Indian Bank Jobs
A sign of the times… a record 3.6 million job seekers across India applied for about 11,000 clerical openings at the State Bank of India last month.
Over the past year working in the private sector has become less lucrative, owing to the recession and cost cutting drives.
Private sector jobs used to attract people for their well paying salaries, but are now considered by many to be ‚here today gone tomorrow‘ jobs.
But during the economic downturn, government employees didn’t face any threat of job loss or salary cuts, making them very appealing for those who want financial stability.
[Vivek, Student]:
„Basically, I personally believe private sector is very much unstable. You know in the context of present recession… apart from lots of hard work and long working hours, social life is at stake. So there is a hell lot of work in private sector, and there is no security as such but in the PSU and government sector, government is paying well these days. There is a good social security. There is a great job security.“
Most of the applicants are post-grads or MBAs who traditionally go after private sector jobs. But public banking jobs pay a good salary and are far less demanding compared to private banks.
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