Rare White Tigers Born at German Zoo
Rare white tigers have become the highlight at a German zoo which presented its latest four additions to the public on Tuesday.
The two-week old cubs were born at the Serengeti Park in Hodenhagen which now owns a total of eleven white tigers.
[Christiana Hensel, Veterinarian, Serengeti Zoo]:
„It’s always something special if our rare animals have babies and it’s something wonderful for me too, every time again. They are so cute and I’m not just the professional, the veterinarian but I also take a personal interest in them and that they’re doing well.“
White tigers cannot survive in the wild.
[Christiana Hensel, Veterinarian, Serengeti Zoo]:
„These White tigers are very rare because they can’t really survive in the wild. White tigers do exist. It’s actually a color mutation of the conventional tiger color. But because of their color the tigers don’t reach maturity and the age of reproduction because it’s color is totally inappropriate as a camouflage.“
The tigers‘ white color makes them so obviously visible that their prey spots the enemy long before it can attack.
Sources say less than 250 white tigers exist worldwide.
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