Paris City Beach Opens
City dwellers in Paris no longer need to worry about escaping the throng for a day at the beach.
On Monday, the banks of the River Seine were transformed with sand and deck chairs for the opening of this year’s Paris Plage.
The Paris authorities‘ initiative, now in its seventh year, is aimed at those who aren’t able to leave the city.
[Cecile Saulme, Paris Resident]:
„It’s been a great pleasure since we have come with the kids. They love playing in the sand and plus there are deck chairs, palm trees and the sun. It’s like a dream.“
Stretching for 3 kilometers in different spots along the river, families and tourists can enjoy the holiday feel for a month. Word was already spreading as crowds gathered in the sunshine.
[Suzanne, Canadian Tourist]:
„We wanted to enjoy the day. It’s really gorgeous outside and the weekend was a bit so-so, and we thought we’d do something that everybody seems to be doing here in Paris.“
[Unidentified Canadian Tourist]:
„The last time I came to Paris, a few years ago, I saw that they had the beaches in the summer. But I wasn’t ready last time, so this time I absolutely insisted that we come to the beaches.“
Assuming the weather holds in the city, those intending to bask in the sun can refresh themselves in one of the ‚beach‘ cafes or cool off in one of the open showers — although it’s probably better to be wearing a swimsuit.
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