NTD APTV Signal Blockage Press Conference

Epoch Times10. Oktober 2009

During September, NTD’s Asia Pacific Television satellite signals experienced sporadic blockage for 15 days. On the 1st of October, the highly politicized anniversary of China’s communist revolution, the signal was blocked for the entire day. In response, APTV hosted a press conference, drawing the international community’s attention to the case.

Gail Rachlin, NTDTV Board Member was there and expressed her concerns,

[Gail Rachlin, NTDTV Board Member]:
“Media freedom in Taiwan has been violated and we ask the Taiwanese government to investigate and find out the real source of what has happened”

“We provide in depth information about religious freedom, the repression of faith in china, the ethnic unrest that’s going on and the official corruption that’s happening. Nobody else can tell the truth like we do for Chinese people around the world”

“Over 1.6 million people were unable to see their favorite shows about China, the truth about China”

Media watchdogs and legislative members also attended and showed their support during the meeting, expressing their feelings about Taiwan’s first breach of media freedom and requesting an investigation.

Feng Jia Zhuang, Director of Association of Taiwan Journalists told us, that from the perspective of the cross-strait media environment, there will be heavy consequences if the source of the interference cannot be established.

[Feng Jia Zhuang, Director of Association of Taiwan Journalists]:
“The CCP use money bribe media bodies, if this doesn’t work they will then use technology to block stations signals. Stations which reveal the truth regarding issues in China and those which cover stories not been reported by Taiwanese media are targeted. If we don’t resolve these infringements at an early stage I think Taiwan will eventually loose its media freedom”

Feng Zheng Lin the Judicial Reform Foundation Executive made his stance clear,

[Feng Zheng Lin, Judicial Reform Foundation Executive]:
“From the experience it is very clear who is responsible. Today the CCP will interfere with NTD but tomorrow it may interfere with our national emergency communication. The blocked signal was being broadcast directly into China so it is obvious who is responsible. The signal being broadcast over Taiwan is also being blocked. Our government and CHT (Chunghwa Telecom Co.) must investigate who is accountable”.

It is suspected that the interference comes, either directly or indirectly from the CCP and legislative members have warned that the government must withstand it’s pressure and reveal the truth. Ching-Te Lai, Legislator had this to say,

[Ching-Te Lai, Taiwan Legislator]:
“Whether it’s NTD or other stations signals being blocked, our government holds the responsibility to protect the rights of freedom of speech. It is of utmost importance to protect tax payer’s rights”

Chunghwa Telecom Co. promised to present an investigation report to the National Communications Commission and the NCC will form an independent commission to research ways of preventing this happening again in the future.

This incident has become a litmus test of how the Taiwanese Government will act to protect media freedom when faced with pressure from the Chinese Government.

This is NTD, Taiwan


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