Nissan Unveils Electric Land Glider
Japan’s No.3, Nissan Motor says the future is electric with possibilities– literally.
Nissan estimates 10 percent of all cars by 2020 will be electric vehicles and is among the most aggressive proponent of pure EVs.
Unveiling its electric Land Glider, which yokes motorcycle handling with zero emission technology, the concept car can power up without plugging in.
Nissan’s Ryusuke Hayashi says the two seat Glider is new age in handling and eco-friendliness.
[Ryusuke Hayashi, Nissan Exploratory & Advanced Product Dept.]:
„As the car’s body is rather slim, in order to maintain balance in curves, the body itself leans into the curves. By leaning, we’ve created a new driving experience.“
Nissan intends to go from niche to showroom next year, with its mass-produced electric hatchback Leaf. The car runs 160 km on a single charge, hitting a top speed of over 140 km an hour.
Annual production is expected to reach 200,000 by 2012, and Nissan hopes EVs will gain back some of the „green“ road now owned by hybrid makers Toyota and Honda.
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