New York: 3rd NTDTV Chinese International Violin Competition

NTDTV launched its Global Competition Series in 2008 to foster traditional Chinese arts and cultural exchange. Talented individuals from all around the world participate in the competition every year.
This year, the NTDTV Chinese International Violin Competition will be held from August 11th to the 15th in New York City.
We spoke with world renowned violinist Glenn Dicterow, who is the Concert master of the New York Philharmonic. Mr. Dicterow tells what he thinks are the qualities of a great musician.
[Glenn Dicterow, Concertmaster, New York Philharmonic]:
“First of all, a great musician has to have a personality. He has to be able to influence, interpretation [and] sell it to an audience. He or she has to have technical proficiency.”
Aside from performing, Mr. Dicterow also teaches at the Manhattan School of Music. Last year he gave a special Master Class to violinists participating at NTDTV’s Chinese International Violin Competition. While impressed by the overall talent of the competitors, he especially complimented the winner of the 2009 competition, Nancy Zhou.
[Glenn Dicterow, Concertmaster, New York Philharmonic]:
“It was very clear to me that she was certainly the most talented at that particular performance that I heard. She’s playing this way at 16. I can’t imagine what she’s going to be like at age 18 or 19.”
Mr. Dicterow says attending major competitions is a great way for young musicians to start their musical careers.

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