More Milk Protests in France and Germany

Protesting the price of daily products in Europe, French and German farmers dump tens of thousands of gallons of milk.
The demonstration on Saturday added intensity to a week-long strike — where dairy producers have refused to deliver milk.
The farmers are trying to pressure the European Union into overhauling regulation of the dairy market.
At the European Bridge — which spans the border of France and Germany — farmers poured urns of milk into the Rhine.
[Jean-Pierre Chrisman, French Milk Producer]:
„You can see that there are French farmers and German farmers who are in the same hole with the same problems, and I think that from tomorrow it won’t just be Germany and France, there will also be a strike in other European countries.“
The protesting farmers then drove their tractors across the bridge and into Germany — where they sprayed tanks of milk over open fields.
[Franz Schweizer, German Milk Producer]:
„We are doing this because of the European connections. The two biggest milk producers in Europe are France and Germany, and we are working together and we have the same problems as each other and as the rest of Europe.“
The farmers are calling on the European Union to cut their milk quotas.
The European Union plans to end milk quotas by 2015.

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