Miss Earth 2010 Brings Back Beauty Crown to India
Nicole Faria of India defeated 83 contestants to win the Miss Earth 2010 pageant. During a visit to Mumbai on Monday, Faria expressed her delight at winning the crown for India.
[Nicole Faria, Miss Earth 2010]:
„It was a beautiful learning experience. I got to meet 83 different girls from 83 different countries. Learned about their countries, their cultures, you got to mix with them and spend some quality time with them in this past one month when I was in Vietnam. I travelled a lot and learnt a lot in Vietnam.“
The 20-year-old beauty queen hails from Bangalore City in southern India.
[Nicole Faria, Miss Earth 2010]:
„With the crown comes lots of responsibilities and well for me, well the journey has just begun. I can’t wait to start doing lots of projects and lot of activities regarding saving mother earth. Well I have signed up with new companies that help reduce global warming to large extent and I am really happy and I hope that I do a lot within this year.“
The other winners of the Miss Earth beauty pageant were Miss Puerto Rico who won the Miss Earth Fire, Miss Ecuador who won Miss Earth Air, and Miss Thailand who won the Miss Earth Water crown.
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