Lone Gunman Kills 6 People in Dutch Mall
A mall shooting shocks this Dutch town south of Amsterdam.
Lone gunman Tristan Van der Vlis opened fire at this shopping centre, killing six and injuring at least ten others Saturday.
Children were among those injured.
After wreaking havoc with a machine gun, eyewitnesses said the shooter turned a pistol on himself.
They describe their terror as gunfire and screaming rang through the mall.
„The man was carrying a machine gun. I ran back inside and closed the door and the shutters. He recharged his gun’s ammunition and continued shooting and walking. It is really horrible, overwhelming.“
The public prosecutor said the 24-year-old had a license for five guns and owned three.
Van der Vlis was investigated in 2003 on suspicion he violated weapons laws, but was not convicted.
Bomb squads were called in after a suicide note found in his car said he had placed explosives in three other malls.
The malls were evacuated, but no explosives were found.
The young man’s two suicide notes did not reveal the motive behind his violent rampage.
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