London: Separated Twins Go Home After Successful Surgery

Epoch Times26. Mai 2010

Conjoined twins from Ireland were successfully separated at a hospital in London. On Thursday, the surgeon who was in charge of the operation heralded their rapid recovery and said they would be released home soon.

Five-month-old Hassan and Hussein Benhaffaf underwent a complex 14-hour operation in London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital in April.

The boys were born joined at the chest, although they did not share organs.

Doctor Edward Kiely, who led the operating team, said he was surprised at just how well the twins were doing.

[Dr. Edward Kiely, Great Ormond Street Hospital in London]:   
„They have made very rapid progress, much faster then many similar twins in the past and here we are, six weeks from the surgery, and we are looking to discharge them quite soon.“

The twins have two older sisters and a brother.

Kiely said he was impressed by the courage of the parents and the children who „displayed extraordinary courage on a daily basis.“

The twins are expected to leave the hospital on Friday but will spend time in a hospital in Ireland before returning home.


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