“It’s Just Incredible” – Classical Pianist on Shen Yun in Washington, D.C.

Epoch Times31. August 2009

Daniel Spriull has a passion for the arts. He is a classical pianist and composer. He saw Shen Yun at Washington, D.C.’s Kennedy Center Opera House. And he was delighted.

[Daniel Spruill, Classical Pianist]:
“I really enjoyed it. It was just phenomenal. And the tenor was just incredible. […] To hear the music from tonight. I wish I could purchase it. I wish I could, it’s just incredible. Because, you know, you see the performances on television, you know, Chinese culture. But to actually come and to experience the music live, and really to see the performance, it’s not like it. So I am so appreciative that you’re all here and have brought this to this city.”

As a musician, Mr. Spruill really appreciated Shen Yun’s musical score.

[Daniel Spruill, Classical Pianist]:
“I thought it was amazing. The reason why I thought it was amazing was because I love hearing the different tones or modes that were being played. Especially, I don’t know if it was the xylophone that was on the side, incredible. Hence I was watching the director and listening to the gong, the tympanis and the trumpets, and so. I loved the fact that it was blending. Not one style stood out more than another, but there was actually a balance. And that’s really hard to do – even within one’s own culture – to have a perfect blend. But I really must commend the composers – and the conductor, because she really held it together. So, that was great.”

NTD, Washington, D.C.


Die Epoch Times Deutschland freut sich, als Medienpartner von Shen Yun Performing Arts World Tour 2009 ihren Leserinnen und Lesern einen exklusiven Einblick in ein einzigartiges Kulturereignis bieten zu können.



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