Italians Outraged by Soccer Violence
Italian riot police chase Serbian soccer fans through the streets on Tuesday night.
This comes after violence in Genoa stadium caused authorities to cancel the Euro qualifier match between Italy and Serbia.
Here police hit fans with their batons, as Serbian groups sit against fences outside the stadium.
The kickoff had been delayed for 35 minutes due to crowd trouble, and only six minutes had been played when flares were thrown onto the pitch and the match was suspended.
Italian fans said they were appalled at the violence.
[Marco Luzzi, Rome Resident]:
„There is just nothing to think about, it was simply an indecent spectacle, I would have loved to see the match but of course I couldn’t watch it.“
[Sergio Bianchi, Rome Resident]:
„These types of people shouldn’t even be allowed into Italy, let alone the stadium. This is how things work in Italy, to us, the Italian supporters, they restrict us and to visiting fans they let them come in with grenades in their hands. A typical Italian system.“
Seventeen arrests were made and sixteen people, including two Italian law enforcement personnel, were treated for injuries sustained in the violence.
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