Israeli Stunt Man Sets New Record

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times18. Juni 2011

Israeli stunt man Hezi Dean on Thursday broke U.S. magician David Blaine’s endurance record after standing on a nine-storey high pylon for a total of 35 hours, Israeli media said.

A crane carried Dean to the top of the pylon at Rabin Square in Tel Aviv, where he remained with a catheter and no food until Thursday evening.

He then jumped off into a pile of cardboard boxes aimed at breaking his fall. As the crowd cheered, Dean had one important message to convey.

[Hezi Dean, Israeli Stunt Man]:
„It was very hard. I want to tell you only one important sentence: Nothing stands in front of the will.“

U.S. magician David Blaine balanced himself for 35 hours on top of a pillar in Bryant Park, New York City, in 2002.

It is the not the first time Dean has tried to break the American magician’s records.

Last year, he endured 66 hours inside an ice cube, breaking Blaine’s 63-hour achievement from 2000.

Foto: NTD

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