India: Tiny Girl Has Big Dreams

Epoch Times21. September 2009

Jyoti Amge lives in Nagpur City in western India.

She stands at just 23 inches and weighs around 11 pounds.

But 16-year-old Jyoti has a tall dream.

[Jyoti Amge, World’s Smallest Girl]:
„I want to become an actress. That’s my wish. Whatever I have wished so far, I have got that. Like I wanted my name to be registered in the ‚Guinness Book of World Records‘ and it was done. I am so happy my wishes have been fulfilled.“

Jyoti was born with a form of dwarfism called Achondroplasia that stunted her growth.

[Kishan Amge, Jyoti’s Father]:
„She used to weigh only this much before. Her height is not increasing and she will not grow more. We waited until she was three-years-old… after that we consulted lot of doctors for her treatment.“

She weighed only three pounds at birth.

Jyoti attends school with students of her age.

Like other teenagers, she enjoys wearing fashionable clothes, make up, and jewelery.


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