India: Tata Motors Considers Launching Nano Car in the U.S.

Epoch Times8. Januar 2010

The world’s most inexpensive new car may be arriving on American shores by 2011. India’s Tata Motors may consider launching its ultra-cheap Nano car in the United States.

[Ratan Tata, Chairman, Tata Motors]:
„We also recognize there is a market [for the Nano] not only in developing countries, but possibly in the developed countries.“

Some modifications will need to be made.

[Ratan Tata, Chairman, Tata Motors]:
„For the United States we need a car which has a larger engine and we need some additional crash test modifications and we are in the process of doing it.“

The Nano, whose billing as the world’s cheapest car, gained it significant attention from across the globe, was showcased at the New Delhi Autoexpo two years ago.

Tata may produce hybrid versions of the model. Also, Tata has joined forces with Fiat to sell the Nano in Latin America.


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