Greece: Record Cocaine Shipment Seized

Epoch Times13. August 2009

The confiscation of 447 kilograms of cocaine marks the largest amount of illegal narcotics ever seized in Greece and one of the biggest in Europe.

Officers of the Arms and Narcotics Division said the container came from Bolivia and the cocaine was hidden inside welded iron containers destined for Bulgaria.

[George Papadopoulos, Greek Arms & Narcotics Division]:
„We discovered, in co-operation with the DEA (U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration) that the company shipping the containers from Bolivia was a ghost company, that it is only involved in drug smuggling. It has a website. The same company had sent another container one month ago to Bulgaria — which was confiscated there — filled with 100 kilograms of liquid cocaine hidden in wine bottles. We had information that this same gang was waiting for that shipment in Bulgaria.“

After the discovery, the police and officers of the Finance Ministry’s Special Inspections Service carried out an operation that led to the arrest of five alleged smugglers.

The European street value of the cocaine is estimated at 25 million Euros.


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