Germany: School Bomb Attack Injures 10 Students

Epoch Times18. September 2009

A German school is cordoned off after a student carried out a petrol bomb attack. 

Ten students were injured — two of them seriously — after an 18-year-old man threw a petrol bomb into two classrooms at the Carolinum secondary school in the southern town of Ansbach.

One female student is in a life-threatening condition with skull injuries, and another was severely burned. 

Ten-year-old Nicole escaped the attack.

[Nicole, School Student]:
„We were sitting in English class and we thought it was a fire drill. We went outside and heard two bombs go off. Everybody thought it was something different, at least I did. A lot of children started crying.“

Police evacuated the school’s 700 pupils after the incident.

The attacker was armed with an axe, two knives and other petrol bombs.

He was arrested after police shot him in the stomach.

Police officers say another final year student bravely stepped in to help.

[Udo Dreher, Police Officer]:
„This student informed the police about the situation and then began to act himself. He went to the floor where everything was happening. He is in the fire brigade, so he began to put out the blaze in the classroom and reduced the damage.“

Police say the perpetrator never aroused attention.

At the moment, they have no idea why he attacked his fellow students.

The incident is the latest in a spate of school attacks in Germany.

In March, a 17-year-old killed 15 people in a shooting spree at his former school before killing himself.


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