Germany: Frozen Lake Delights Berliners

Germans in the capital Berlin are usually used to the cold winter. But this cold spell has been particularly harsh even for Berliners, with temperatures hardly climbing above zero for weeks. On Sunday they woke up to temperatures of minus 14 degrees Celsius.
Berlin’s frozen Wannsee Lake took center stage today as Berliners made the best of it.
[Philip Rabe, Berlin Yachtclub Trainer]:
„I play a bit of ice hockey so the weather is perfect. It has to be cold. And now, even the Wannsee is frozen up. So it doesn’t matter if it is ten degrees below zero. It’s quite wonderful and you do warm up once you start playing. We also brought some hot tea, so we should be fine.“
Meanwhile, grey herons and fishermen were on the look out for some fish beneath the icy waters. The fire brigade though warns against such activities, as ice can break easily.

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